Greater Altoona Jewish Federation Allocations Committee Mission Statement
The Allocations Committee of the Greater Altoona Jewish Federation is responsible for allocating Federation campaign funds to organizations that provide programs/events that benefit the social, cultural and educational needs of our local Jewish community, or for programs/events of Jewish content for the general community.
Programs/events can either be generated, planned and administered through the Federation (Federation programs/events) or in cooperation with other non-denomination organizations in our local community (community programs/events). It is essential that all community programs/events be clearly identified and marketed as community wide.
Federation funding is also available to Jewish community denominational organizations for programs/events that are jointly generated, planned, administered, and funded by the requesting organizations, and meet the Federation’s purpose of community building according to the Federation’s constitution and by-laws.
All allocation requests must be reviewed and recommended by the committee prior to consideration by the Board of Directors.
Funds are also allocated to national and international organizations that serve the interests of the Jewish people.
Allocation Process
1. The Director of the Federation sends notices to community organizations and each household in the Jewish community stating the availability of funds and to solicit proposals for funding of programs and events that would benefit the Jewish community or provide Jewish content for the general community.
2. All requests are sent to the Federation office and the Director forwards the requests to the Endowment and Allocations Committees.
3. The Allocations Committee meets to make recommendations to the Board of Directors and funds are allocated upon approval by the Board. All annual requested allocations must be considered and recommended by either the Allocations or Endowment Committee prior to Board approval.
4. Funds pledged and collected in each calendar year are used for allocation when these committees meet in November/December of each year. Funds allocated at the November/December meeting are used to fund programs in the following calendar year.

The Federation Endowment Fund is the primary fund to allow the Federation to meet future programming allocations if the annual campaign fails to meet the needs of the community on a yearly basis. Donations are accepted in any denomination.
The Federation has been charged with the responsibility of managing three endowments.
The Sam and Rose Port Endowment is an Advised Philanthropic Trust. The trustees of this trust determine the allocation of funds in the trust and the Federation Board endorses their allocation with final approval. The Federation controls and manages the funds for the trust and directs its funds under the direction of the trustees.
The Ed and Julia Petsonk Endowment is not an Advised Philanthropic Trust. The trustees of this trust can request allocation of its funds to various organizations but the trustees requests are not binding. The Endowment Committee can make allocations from this trust without consent of the trustees.
The Andy Jubelirer Camp Fund was established to provide financial support for area youth to attend Jewish summer camps. This fund honors the memory of Andy Jubelirer who had a great love for summer camp and the friendships fostered by this experience.
***For detailed information about our allocations, please click on the boxes below to see the organizations that receive the benefit of your donations. If you would like to submit an application for funding, please click on the Allocations Request box and submit the form to the Federation Office at:
The Greater Altoona Jewish Federation
PO Box 224
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648