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By Mrs. Regina Weinstein
As published in the Jewish Chronicle, Pgh., Pa
September 8, 1961


And I live, and they are dead:
Five beloved aunts and their beautiful children –
Lawyers Doctors and Teachers –
It matters not –
Their ashes did not curl in a different manner!
And I live! Why oh my God, Why?
O, Eichmann, Goebbel, Hitler –
Oh, Spirits of all mongoloidal monsters –
Whom to humanity this evil brought –
In an age civilized,
Look upon me!
Tell me not that I, too,
A curly ash should be,
In your fiery furnace of iniquity!
For I was of the Warsaw Ghetto
Before I was half grown
Blessed America wrapped me in
her tender embrace and cradled
me in the arms of security.
Look upon me – oh
Monsters of hate and horror
For I was of the Warsaw Ghetto
Look well and tell me I am undesirable –
That I have not brown eyes which have
looked at children with love and laughter
Look into my heart
Tell me I have not suffered the
glorious pangs of childbirth
and loved them well.
Tell me I am woman not
Beloved of her mate.
Oh Monsters, Oh Masters of Hell,
Be doomed to all eternity!