Agudath Achim Congregation was founded in Altoona in 1883 as an orthodox congregation but transitioned to the conservative movement in 1934. The current synagogue was built in 1924 and the congregation currently consists of approximately 100 member families. In 2008, Agudath Achim Congregation celebrated it's 125th anniversary. Click here to read about the anniversary event.
Address: 1306 Seventeenth Street, Altoona, PA 16601
Phone: (814) 944-5317
Fax: (814) 944-5318
Email: agudathaltoona@aol.com
Website address: www.agudathachim.com |
Temple Beth Israel was founded in Altoona in 1874 and is a member of the Hebrew Union of Reform Judaism. The Temple building was erected in 1927 and currently consists of approximately 75 member families. Click here to see a profile of the Temple building in the Huffington Post.
Address: 3004 Union Avenue, Altoona, PA 16602
Phone: (814) 942-0057
Fax: (814) 942-5434
Website address: www.templebethisrael.net |
Agudath Achim of Huntingdon was incorporated in 1920 to serve the Jewish families of Huntingdon and Mount Union. The Synagogue was opened in 1930 and celebrated it's 75th anniversary in 2005.
Agudath Achim of Huntingdon now functions as a regional congregation serving families from Lewistown, State College, and the greater Altoona area, as well as Huntingdon County. The building is also the home of the Hillel chapter of Juniata College.
Address: 1009 Washingdon Street,
Huntingdon PA, 16652
Email: aahuntingdon@gmail.com
Jewish Memorial Center, The JMC opened in 1949 to serve the social, recreational and educational needs of the Jewish community. In recent years it has mainly served the general community as a sports facility (mainly basketball) and for bingo. Thousands of local children have used the JMC and it serves as our “face” to the community. Some Jewish activities are still held at the JMC and the Federation office is located at the JMC free of rent or utilities. Federation provides financial support of the JMC’s operating expenses.
Address: 1308 Seventeenth Street, Altoona, PA 16601
Phone: (814) 944-4072 |
This very precious Torah was hidden by the Jews of Czechoslovakia during the Holocaust. It was buried to save it from desecration and destruction by the Nazi invaders. It was discovered many years after the war and then taken to London where it was lovingly repaired and restored. The Altoona Jewish Community through our Federation sponsored the restoration and transportation here. This Torah is a tangible symbol of the survival and continuity of Judaism –Am Yisrael Chai. It is proudly placed and displayed alternately in the ark at Agudath Achim Congregation and Temple Beth Israel. |
Juniata College Hillel actively seeks to engage uninvolved Jewish students on their own terms: to provide them with opportunities to do Jewish events that are meaningful and appealing to them. Students are empowered to take responsibility for their Jewish identity. Hillel is committed to a pluralistic vision of Judaism that embraces all movements.
Read about Juniata CollegeHillel's 2010 alternative spring break in New Orleans.
Click here to see photos from their trip. |
Chabad Lubavitch Jewish Center of Greater Altoona
Rabbi Yossi Stein, Director
Mrs. Chana'le Stein, Co-Director
Phone: 814-317-6813
Fax: 626-608-2557
Website: jewishaltoona.com