Historical documents of the greater Altoona Jewish Community
History of the Altoona Jewish Community by Joellyn Wallen Zollman
Early Jewish Influences by the Leopolds
Altoona Federation of Jewish Philantropies yearbook 1969
Agudath Achim Congregation 100 year Anniversary program
Temple Beth Israel Congregation 100 year Anniversary program
Audio of JMC Cornerstone Placement Ceremony 1949
Audio of JMC Dedication Ceremony 1949
JMC production of K'nish & Tell
JMC production of Withering Tights
First Greater Altoona International Film Festival Brochure 2000
Agudath Achim Congregation 1971 Education Building Dedication
Agudath Achim Congregation 75 year Anniversary program
History of the Jewish Communities of Cambria County presented by Barry Rudel to the Cambria Counthy Historical Society on September 11, 2019