

Section 1. The name or title of this corporation is THE GREATER ALTOONA JEWISH FEDERATION.
Section 1. The purposes for which this corporation is formed are:
- To further the welfare of the Jewish community locally, nationally, in Israel and worldwide. To plan for the philanthropic, social, cultural and educational advancement of the Jewish community and to foster cooperation among local Jewish organizations directed toward that end.
- To solicit, collect and otherwise raise money for philanthropic, social, cultural, educational and religious purposes; to contribute, disburse and distribute the same or the income thereof for such purposes, either directly or by contributions to other organizations, agencies or institutions organized for the same or similar purposes and to whom a direct contribution would be tax exempt under the then existing internal revenue rules and regulations; to receive and hold by purchase, gift, bequest or otherwise real or personal property, and to distribute it as it may be deemed best for the promotion of the purposes of the corporation; and to establish an endowment fund.
- To review and determine the obligations, responsibilities and effectiveness of all agencies requesting appropriations.
- To coordinate the fund raising activities of Jewish agencies, local, national and overseas and to foster their cooperation.
Section 1. The principal office or place of business shall be ALTOONA, County of Blair, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Section 1. Any resident of the local Jewish community who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, and who shall have contributed to a common fund set up by the corporation shall be a member of said corporation for the fiscal year during which such a contribution shall be due and payable.
Section 1.
- The officers of the corporation shall be President, three (3) Vice-Presidents, Treasurer and Secretary, All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the corporation and shall hold office for a term of two (2) years and/or until their successors are duly elected and qualified. An Assistant Treasurer and/or Assistant Secretary may also be elected at the discretion of the President or the Board of Directors.
All officers shall be members of the corporation to be eligible for nomination.
- In addition, the Board of Directors of the corporation may elect or employ an Executive Director, whose duties and salary shall be determined by the Directors.
Section 1.
- The President shall preside at all meetings of the corporation, of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee; and shall be ex-officio a member of all committees.
- The President shall submit reports to the Board of Directors as necessary, and give such information, touching the affairs of the corporation, as he/she may be required, and make such record as he/she may think proper, and shall at the annual meeting of the corporation, submit a full and complete report showing the condition of the corporation.
Section 2.
- In case of the absence of the President, the first Vice-President shall preside at any and all of the meetings of the corporation, of the Board of Directors, and of the Executive Committee.
- In the event of the death, resignation or removal of the President from office, the first Vice-President shall perform all of the duties of the President until the President’s successor shall be duly elected.
- The first Vice-President shall be chairperson of the Campaign Committee.
Section 3.
- The Secretary shall attend all the meetings of the corporation and of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee and shall keep a record of all the transactions at the meetings in a minute book belonging to the corporation and to be kept for that purpose.
- The Secretary shall see that due and proper notice is given of all meetings of the corporation, the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee and such other duties as may be required by the Board of Directors.
- The Secretary shall be the custodian of the corporate records, the corporate seal and any security bonds required by the corporation.
Section 4.
- The Treasurer shall receive all monies and deposit the same in the name and to the credit of the corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
- The books of the Treasurer shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Board of Directors or its designated committee.
Section 1. The management and administration of the business of the corporation shall be vested in a Board of Directors to be selected as follows:
- All Directors will be elected for a two year term of office at the annual meeting of the Federation or until their successors are duly elected. The board shall consist of no less than 18 members and no more than 24 members excluding officers and ex-officio members.
- The Rabbis of each congregation shall be Directors of the corporation.
- Past Presidents of the corporation shall be Directors of the corporation, and may be elected Officers of the corporation.
Section 2. Any Director who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings may have the office declared vacant by said Board of Directors in their discretion, who shall fill such office by majority vote, after notice thereof has been mailed to the delinquent member.
Section 3. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the Board of Directors, pending elections at the next meeting of the corporation.
Section 4. The Board of Directors shall make such rules and regulations consistent with the intent and purposes of this constitution for the purpose of attaining the objectives thereof. It may hire an Executive Director and such other employees which it may require from time to time; and fix the respective salaries of such employees, and require the furnishing of a security bond for the Executive Director or any other employee or officer, whenever in its discretion it shall determine that such bond is necessary and the premium thereof shall constitute an administrative expense.
Section 5. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held three (3) times each calendar year, the dates thereof to be selected by the Board of Directors or the officers of the corporation. Special meetings shall be held at other times as may be requested in writing by ten (10) or more members of the Board of Directors or upon the call of the President of the corporation.
Section 6. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the procedure of all meetings. Twelve (12) members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business.
Section 1. The Executive Committee
- The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the corporation, three at large members, one of which may be the immediate past president, and the Chairperson of the Budget and Allocations Committee. The Executive Director (if one is selected) shall act in an advisory capacity to said committee.
- During the interim between the meetings of the Board of Directors, it shall have all the powers of said Board and shall report all its actions to the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Board following the meeting of this committee. The committee’s actions shall be binding and deemed the actions of the Board of Directors unless formal disapproval of such action shall be voted by the Board.During the interim between the meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee shall have all the powers of said Board and shall report all its actions to the Board of Directors at the first meeting of the Board following the meeting of this committee. The committee’s actions shall be binding and deemed the actions of the Board of Directors unless formal disapproval of such action shall be voted by the Board.
- At each regular meeting of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, through the President, shall submit a report of its activities.
- The duties of all officers and employees (in addition to these stipulated herein) shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee.
- The Committee shall hold meetings as necessary.
- The Committee shall fix its own rules of procedure, but no action by less than a majority of the Committee shall be valid or binding.
Section 2 – The Campaign Committee
- The Campaign Committee shall consist of a Chairperson and two (2) Vice-Chairpersons appointed by the President, and as many members as may be deemed necessary.
- The Campaign Committee shall have charge of conducting annual or other campaigns approved by the Board of Directors. It shall be the responsibility of this Committee not only to solicit pledges, but to take whatever steps necessary to convert said pledges into cash. All acts of the Campaign Committee are subject to final approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 3 – The Budget and Allocations Committee
- The Budget and Allocations Committee shall consist of five (5) members of the Board of Directors appointed by the President, plus the Treasurer and the Chairperson of the Campaign Committee. The Executive Director (if one is selected) shall act in an advisory capacity.
- The Budget and Allocations Committee shall study the merits of the activities of local, national and overseas agencies and shall allocate by majority vote the amount that is to be given to these agencies. The Budget and Allocations Committee may work through sub-committees for detailed analysis of the needs of prospective beneficiary agencies. All acts of the Committee are subject to the final approval of the Board.
Section 4 – The Social Service Committee
- This Committee shall consist of five (5) members to be selected by the President from the Board of Directors or the membership of the corporation.
- It shall be the duty of this Committee to receive, investigate and render such service as may be deemed necessary in connection with requests for assistance made by individuals or families in the community related to financial distress, care of the aged, child welfare problems and other personal emergencies. This Committee shall be responsible for keeping itself thoroughly informed as the extent of such needs in the community, for developing such resources as may be required to meet the need, both locally and by maintaining and developing relationships with such regional and national agencies whose services are available to residents of the community.
Section 5 – The Community Relations Committee
- This Committee shall consist of three (3) members to be selected by the President from the Board of Directors or the membership of the corporation.
- This Committee shall examine reported discriminatory practices against members of the Altoona Jewish community and recommend remedial measures to the Board. It shall also bring to the attention of the Board practices which, in the opinion of the Committee, hinder good inter-group relations in the community. It shall promote better inter-community relations and publicize the good works of the corporation.
Section 6 – The Nominating Committee
- The Nominating Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members of the Board appointed by the President. The Committee shall present, in writing, to the Secretary, not less than thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting, a proposed slate of Directors to be elected for the ensuing year at the annual meeting of the corporation. The Secretary shall mail the proposed slate of Directors to the membership prior to the annual meeting.
- Additional nominations may be made by the membership of the corporation by a written petition containing the signatures of not less than ten (10) members of the corporation, nominating a candidate for office.
Section 7 – The Finance Committee
- The Committee shall consist of three (3) members to be selected by the President from the Board of Directors with the Treasurer a member of ex-officio.
- The Finance Committee shall have charge of the investment, sale and reinvestment of such assets of the corporation as may be required to be invested in securities, and it shall also be responsible for the administration of such properties as may be held by the corporation.
- The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of an annual audit of the accounts of the corporation.
Section 8 – The Endowment Fund Committee
Such Committee shall be created and shall function in accordance with such separate by-laws and operating procedures as have been adopted by the Board of Directors.
Section 9 – Other Committees
The Executive Committee or the Board of Directors may, at their discretion, create such other committees as deemed necessary from time to time to carry on the purposes of the corporation. The membership of such committees shall be selected by the President.
Section 1 – Annual Meetings
The first annual meeting of the membership of the corporation shall be held not later than March 1951. The annual meeting of the membership of the corporation shall be held yearly at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall determine. Such meeting shall be held for the purposes of: receiving reports of the out-going officers and committees; election of directors to fill expired terms; and the transaction of any and all matters presented at such time.
Section 2 – Special Meetings
Additional special meetings of the members of the corporation must be held on the call of the Board of Directors or upon written petition signed by twenty five (25) members of the corporation, which petition shall be submitted to the President or the Secretary of the Corporation at least twenty (20) days in advance of the date set for such meeting, and shall contain a statement of the business desired to be transacted at such meeting.
Section 3 – Fifteen (15) members shall constitute a quorum for transaction of any business at any annual or special meeting of the corporation.
Any officer or member of the Board of Directors may be discharged and removed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board at a special meeting duly called for the purpose of considering such discharge and removal. However, said officer or director shall first be given an opportunity for a hearing before the Board of Directors and notice thereof shall be sent to the Director ten (10) days prior to such hearing.
The articles and by-laws may be revised, amended or repealed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members of the corporation present at any annual or special meeting provided that notice thereof shall be given not less than ten (10) days prior to such meeting. The Secretary shall keep a record of all amendments.
Approved March 10, 1951
May 25, 1988
December 19, 2005
March 9, 2006
April 30, 2015
May 3, 2016