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Celebrate Diversity was established in 1993 to introduce diversity awareness programs into local junior highs to erase intolerance and raise awareness about attitudes of prejudice.  There is an annual teacher training and four student education days, including a visit to the United States National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D. C.  Approximately 300 seventh and eight graders each year participate.  Federation is a co-sponsor and one of the founders of the program.  The Federation funds the transportation costs for the annual trip to the Holocaust Museum.  Over the years Celebrate Diversity has become a non-profit 501c3 and has established itself as a self-maintaining corporation with it’s own board of directors.


Celebrate Diversity begins its 25th year. Mazel Tov to Judi Sue Meisner, and all her staff and participants.

A beautiful day today for our 25th visit to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and Iwo Jima, FDR, WW2, MLK. Korean War, Vietnam War and Lincoln Memorials. A great way o Celebrate Diversity! Many thanks to our dedicated board members and teachers, benefactors and supporters who make this wonderful program possible.

Read about the recent feature of Celebrate Diveristy in the Altoona Mirror.

Celebrate Diversity 11/18/17

Today was a beautiful day for Celebrate Diversity! The rain could not dampen our spirits as we visited Agudath Achim Synagogue, The First Baptist Church, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church and The Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament. Many thanks to Pastor Pepper, Rabbi Wohl, Eric Casanave Nd Monsignor Mazur for their excellent presentations. In the afternoon, we learned about the Jewish holidays (Jean Dolinger), Buddhism (Michael Allison) Islam (Shamsa Anwar) and a look into the life of Pastor Paul Johnson. Our closing ceremony was lead by Steve Wilson and five students. Board members Dr. Kathy O’Rourke, Tom Lantz,Wendy Campbell and Betsy Kline’s worked to make the day a great success. Special thanks to Debby Flaig of Penn State Altoona for providing the best support imaginable and to every teacher from Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Claysburg Kimmel and the Diocese of Altoona and Johnstown. We are gratified to continue this important program now in our 24th year as we fight prejudice, hatred and bullying and spread the message of love and understanding among our students. As it says on our t shirts, ‘We Are All Part of the Same Race, The Human Race,’